Saturday, January 21, 2012

Thing #1

   After viewing the tutorial over the 7 1/2 Habits of Successful Lifelong Learners, I realized that the habits really are present in almost every occasion for learning, whether it be in a classroom setting, something your parents have challenged you with, or even something your friends are encouraging you to do. The easiest habit I believe that I follow from the 7 1/2 is "Use technology to enhance your learning". Computers have always been easy for me to understand, as well as other types of technology. Usually, when faced with a problem in school, I always turn to the Internet to "Google" the answers to my questions. Or use my iPhone, or my Kindle, and so on. Even if I am wanting to learn about something outside of a classroom environment, I will use my gadgets. My best friend's brother was just diagnosed with Stage 2 Lymphoma, and I honestly had no idea what it was. I knew her family was going through an extremely hard time, and were having difficulties talking about it, so I informed myself through technology to ease my questioning mind.
    The hardest of the 7 1/2 habits for myself would be "View problems as challenges". Over the past few years I have been able to improve in this area of learning, but I do struggle with it occasionally. I can get frustrated when things aren't going my way, especially something for school. However, I know that this will need to be completely turned around before I become a teacher, because it will require an extreme amount of patience!
    The youth that we have today know nothing other than technology and the latest gadgets! This will be very helpful in the classroom, because it will make almost everything fun and exciting for them and they will enjoy learning. Technology can have glitches though, and when it does, that's when viewing problems as challenges will come into play. Yes, we may have to resort back to the dry erase board, and (need I say it...) the chalk board, but it will be a learning experience on its own. Each of the 7 1/2 habits can be connected with each other and need to all be present in your and your students' lifelong learning.


  1. I enjoyed reading your post! My husband and I frequently come up with odd questions like "who invented this or that" and we love to sit up and google them. I really have learned so much from Google!!

    1. Thank you! and yes I know! I have a great book with some answers to those frequently occuring "i wonder" questions called, "Born In the USA: The Book of American Origins" by Trevor Homer. I actually got it at the Dollar Tree for $1.00 and I love looking at it every now and then. you should check it out!!
