Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Thing #2

Blogging is something that I had always heard about, and wanted to do on my own someday. Finally, since it is for a grade, I am being pushed to do it, and I am glad. Since we have started this process and viewed other blogs, such as the Pioneer Woman, I feel more encouraged to start a blog for fun, about things I am interested in or passionate about. The steps to bogging seem pretty easy to me; I mean you just write what ever you want to.... adskfhapdfaihgakj.... or   o_0 , and publish it for the world to see! Obviously if you want any blog followers or want to grow as a blogger you have to make sure your tone of voice, or tone of text, is upbeat!! a n d  n o t  d  r  y...........

Monotonous voices drag on, and so does writing, so I will try to make this a positive and LivEly experience for myself : D

As for the stats of my blog, I kept it simple, because I am a simple person and pretty easy to please.

My avatar has long hair like myself, and I randomly chose some clothes to throw on her (much like myself in the mornings).

I have had a good experience so far! 


  1. Let me just say, if you write a blog like the Pioneer Woman, I would read it!! I'm sure you would do great at it. Your blog is looking good so far.

  2. Love this! I think blogging is so much fun! I actually have a personal blog that I started before this class. It is a lot of fun! It might not be as popular as pioneer woman (not even close) but its still a fun way to express myself. They really are a functional little tool! :) I think you should start one! I'll read it! :)

    1. If only we could be that big someday!! And I will definitely start one after this semester!
