Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Thing #20

     The video that I selected from YouTube is one of a Middle School teacher, giving some advice for the first day of school. This is something that I have been thinking about for a while, and it is never to early to have a plan! The teacher in the video makes a good point on being yourself with the students, because by middle school age they are able to tell if you are just trying to be their best friend or if you are actually interested in getting to know them. He says the best thing to do is be yourself regardless of your teaching style and I couldn't agree more! And he has really pretty eyes :)
     I have always liked YouTube for its fast and easy search system, and that it always brings up related videos or ones by the same member on the side of the screen and at the end of the clip. I have most always been able to find what I am looking for or something that similarly relates. If you have your students create an account, it is a good way for them to do some feedback commenting on a social site. Just make sure they don't get into any comment wars like many users do!

Here's the video I selected:


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