Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Thing #10

  The blogs I chose to follow through my Google Reader RSS feed are:
I had always seen those little orange icons, and never knew what they meant. Now I get to use them for my own updates all in one place which is so nifty! I now feel like I am officially part of the blogging communtiy and can do all the things I want to do. Some of the blogs I have followed would be great to show once a day or once a week in a classroom as a tidbit of information, or news that students would relate to. The YA Fresh (young adult) blog is a great one to give out the link to students so that they can pick books for independent reading, and get ideas of others who have read the book. There are even contests! Who doesn't love free stuff????

If you need to save time in the classroom and find yourself having to jump from page to page or continually searching for the resources you are presenting, the RSS feed will cut your time down by quite a bit. 50 minutes, or however long your class is, is precious time that as educators we know we cannot waste.

Stuff From My Follows :)

What should scare you more, sharks or big TV's? (Freakonomics)

New Young Adult Books (YA Fresh)

"There's Plenty More Where That Came From"


  1. Posting shark pictures. You are stealing my ideas. And I thought I would inform you that your avatar has purple eyes, and I don't think that is possible.haha

    1. Hahaha, I didn't even realize. It was the picture attached to the blog I was referring to. If you would read my "Thing #2" you would know that everything on my avatar is random. But, I did go to school with a girl who had purple eyes (contacts).
