Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Thing #3

   After searching through some educational blogs, chat rooms, and Twitter accounts for the Live text assignment, I have come across some great ideas to use in the classroom. My favorite was the Pioneer Woman's "Home school" tab. After browsing through her amazing pictures of her "students" on the ranch, and hearing what she had to say, I realized that many of the activities and worksheets she was using would easily transfer over to a classroom setting. (I did think it was awesome that she let the kids lay on the floor and sit wherever they were comfortable for lessons). She has helped me with her blog so my ultimate goal, if I start and Educational Blogging experience, would be to help others just starting to teach. Everyone needs a hand when they are doing something for the first time. When the time comes to get my own classroom, I will most likely be on blogs and websites for a big chunk of my time, trying to bring life to my room.

Look How Cute These Are:
(From Pioneer Woman)

     Additionally, I love photography so I am hoping to get a great camera one day and document everything my class does!

     Communication is the next goal I have for a personal Education Blog. I want it to be fun, easy to read, and appealing to parents and students. Simply giving the parents/students the link will allow them to check in on the class. I would love to have a Parent's Only section, as well as a Student's Only section so that they can each contribute to the blog, giving them a technological experience, too! Posting homework assignments, Upcoming events, Upcoming Projects and Tests, Pictures, and attaching files important to the classroom are just a few of the things I would include. I can visualize it in my head, but may need a Shutterfly web page to accomplish everything I am wanting to do.

1 comment:

  1. You're personal Education Blog idea is excellent. I also really enjoy photography and think that your idea of documentation is great! Good post, keep 'em coming!
